First of all...tomorrow is World Toy Camera Day! So, if toy cameras are your thing, go out and have some fun. And if they aren't your thing, try it anyway. Borrow a Holga, you grandpa's old Kodak Brownie, that crappy panoramic you bought at Goodwill, anything toy-like you can get your hands on and shoot a roll. Maybe you will hate it, maybe you will convert. It's the day for that kind of stuff! My last gf once asked me, "Why does it have to be on that day? Can't we go out tomorrow?" Well, yeah, sure. I can go out any day. But I can also do anything I want on any day. I can put up a Christmas tree in July if I want, but that kind of defeats the purpose. It's not all that important in the grand scheme of things, with war and poverty and pollution and whatnot, but it is what it is. And I like to enjoy the day for what it is...a chance to let my cameras shine. So celebrate your toy cameras on October 20, 2007, wherever in the world you might be! I'll be heading to Quartzsite, AZ and some of the surrounding towns with various toy cameras.
Second, I have very sad news. My Nova color developer died last week. I assume it died because the roll I developed was completely blank, and I know it wasn't the camera (my Diana+). The color did seem a little off, like darker, but I can't really remember what it looked like before. I've been using it since May of this year and I think I got 10 rolls out of it. It costs about $25 plus shipping from the UK for the developer, so I guess it's a money saver at about $5 a roll to develop at a store. I'll have to think about buying more. Maybe I'll save my color rolls for a year and then buy some more. That's kind of a drag, though. I'll do a little research on other brands.
And last, just so I have some pictures to add to this, here are some cool old film boxes. I haven't used the film in any of these yet, but I do take it out so the film can stay in the fridge and the boxes out. It always seems a little too humid in the refrigerator for long-term cardboard storage.
Ekfa 620, expired December 1964

Fuji Neopan SS 120, expired September 1963

Var-i-Pan 620, expired January 1964. Someone was nice enough to send me a roll of Var-i-Pan 120 that expired February 1964, which I will be using on WTCD.

And just a couple spools and backings from Kodak Verichrome that expired in 1958, I think.

That's about it for today! I'm going to be using a couple 'new' cameras on WTCD, so I'll probably post follow-ups on that and other items of disinterest later. Also, check out the new Came together very nicely! Now turn out the light and let me sleep. It's only 2:52 in the afternoon? Whatever.